Monday, May 6, 2013

Sunday...not so fun day

As we were told, day one and possibly day two after treatment wouldn't b so bad because of all the anti nausea drugs and steroids given before chemo.  Saturday evening I started to feel nauseated so I went to bed pretty early. Id like to say Sunday morning I woke up, but I didn't. I stayed in bed til noon then woke up to eat then back down for a nap.  I felt like I had run a marathon and was very weak.  Not that I would know what a marathon feels like but you get the picture.  I had been taking anti nausea meds but I don't think I had eaten enough with them.  I woke up around three to go to the bathroom and I was sitting on the toilet looking at my cute toenails, when I suddenly became very sweaty and nauseous. I fell to my knees and remembered heaving into the shower and then...whammy I must have passed out for a few seconds. Then I came to and realized I had fallen and was laying in my vomit...Yucky!!!!  I hollered for Jake and he came right up and to the rescue.  He helped me clean up and get in the bath.  I washed my hair and face and I felt much better.  After that I had a yummy dinner that I was able to keep down, (thanks to the Finkens).  The night went well and I was feeling like I had a little energy back.  I was able to bath and get kids to bed and that is an accomplishment in this state. :)

This morning was good.  I feel very blessed to have been able to have the strength to get my girls ready for school, do a load of wash and feed my sweet Taylor.  I know all the prayers that are being said on our behalf are helping us.  Thank you all so very much.  I get numerous emails, texts and calls everyday telling us that people are praying for our family.  The power of prayer is REAL!!!!  I am so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows me and what I can and cannot handle.  I love my husband and sweet daughters so very much and it is in times like these that the little things make me so happy.  

Also I think I need Life Alert.... Until now I thought this a funny and also sad commercial... Not so funny anymore!!! I only hope  my sweet Jake will accept the other part on the respondent end. So much for BFF necklaces I was gonna buy us.  These are the way to go, for now. XO

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