Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy, Happy DAY!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TAYLOR SUE!!!  Where has the time gone?? So much has happened in the last few years.  I cannot believe my baby girl is two today.  So much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving morning.  Life goes by faster as we get older.  I cannot believe I am 33 (I think). Seriously, I cannot remember, and it's too early for math. I cannot wait to spend this day with loved ones and reflect and make more memories together.  I have the best family in the world. EVER!! Jake and I and the girls are going to my parents this year. I love turkey and mashed potatoes and stuffing. I never ate stuffing as a kid, now is the time to make up for that missed time.  YUM!! And watch out chocolate cream pie.... I will find you! You guys, when I was going through radiation,  I literally made a pie every day.  I couldn't eat because my throat hurt so bad and I couldn't swallow.  The cold pudding and whip cream was amazing!!! I thought I wouldn't want it anymore because it would bring back that yucky feeling but I was wrong. (Big surprise!)
Life is good and busy.  The girls are doing well in school.  Allie is in 7th grade and is a supermodel and is my height. She tried out for ACES -club vball and is starting the season this next month.  I am thrilled!!!! She loved dancing, but people.... I am telling you she is gonna make momma proud on the court! I was never a dance mom. I would go to the comps and sit and enjoy them and wonder why all these crazy moms were going nuts, making sure everything was perfect and the music was right and make up and costumes.....  Well let me tell you, I am now a crazy volleyball mom.  As I watch Allie play I can't sit still and I want to jump out of my seat and yell and I can't focus on anything but her!!!! I now get it! I hope I can mellow out and I won't embarrass her too badly.  She is so tall and strong and smart and just fabulous.  I am so proud to be her mommy and she is going to do amazing things. Lexi is in 4th grade and doing great! She reads to me all the time and she is so animated and happy.  She is playing Jr. Jazz and dancing too.  And if she wants to be a cheer leader or an artist or an actor, well we will put her in those activities too. I love that Lexi tries anything! If someone says, " Lets make up a cheer" she is stretching and ramping up to make up a rhyme to cheer.  If she is asked to sing, she belts it out and sounds lovely.  If she is asked to play soccer she runs on the field and gives it her all.  I LOVE THIS!!!! Makes me so happy.  She doesn't doubt herself and we encourage her no matter what the activity.  She loves to play and rollerblade and shoot hoops.  She is so beautiful and such a little peace maker in our home. She has classic one liners all the time that are so funny!!! She has such a sense of humor.  Tay is a little ball of energy.  She is clean and tidy and puts things where they go. She likes to make people laugh and she is always down for being silly.  Just like me! :) She is talking like crazy and loves chocolate milk and noodles.  She absolutely adores her sisters.  When they come home from school she runs to them.  The pick her up and love on her and tell her her night gown is pretty.  Because lets be honest, its 90 percent of what she wears all day. She loves all the silky princess gowns, she changes about ten times a day. She likes them to touch the floor and then she picks up the front and walks.  It is hilarious.  She is so smart and catches on to everything.  You can't hide anything from her or sneak things past her.  When she needs a new diaper she says, " bum" and brings you the diaper and wipes.  Yes we are talking potty soon too. :) She loves horses!!! She calls them puppies or puppy ponies.  It is darling! I don't correct her because then what? She won't call horses puppies anymore?!! :( SAD She loves bathing and bubbles and everything a little girl should. I love her so very much.
Jake is doing fabulous at work and continually gets the highest reviews and kicks butt!!! He works so hard for our family and gives us whatever we need.  He is funny, and charming and such a wonderful daddy to these amazing daughters we have.  I often feel sorry when he comes home from work.  This estrogen filled home is bursting with loud music and laughter, sometimes yelling, hair apts, tee shirt making, neighbor kids, homework, laundry.....the list goes on.  He doesn't complain or ask what we are doing or why things are crazy.  He jumps in and helps and asks us how our day was.  He brings us home treats and flowers and is so thoughtful.  I love you Jakey and I am so thankful for the beautiful life, children and home we have together.  He laughs at my jokes, too.  KIDS- One of the most important qualities in a  partner is a sense of humor.  Laughter can do a lot for you.... Remember that.  Don't marry someone that isn't willing to be silly, or tickle you, or tease you or let you tease them!! Priceless! Even though Jake gets so fired up when I tickle him and I don't stop. Like, so mad!!! And I love it.  He never holds a grudge like I do. HA!
Salon is going good.  I love my clients and they are all so concerned about my health and my family. I continually make everyone look fabulous and I love doing this! ;)
Tee shirts are crazy and good.  I love making these darling tees and seeing people all over the world wear them and send me pics ever day!! I had no clue that it would do well. :)
Now to the Cancer stuff.... but first,  Tom my incredible bro in law got his scan results back this week and he is doing great.  It is  nothing short of a miracle!!!! For those of you who don't know, he was diagnosed with advanced stage 4 melanoma a few weeks after I was diagnosed.  He is strong!!! So strong. Emotionally, physically and spiritually! He and my sister amaze me with their strength. I cannot express the joy and gratitude I felt when I got the news of the clean scan.  This is like GOLD to our family.  I need nothing else this Christmas season.  And everyone else in my family would say the same.  Heavenly Father is aware of our needs and our wants and our every thought.  He heals and he delivers miracles.  For the next four months we can be at peace, rejoice in this amazing time of year.  
I have scans once a year.  My scans are this Monday morning.  It is always an unsure, anxious strange feeling going into these scans.  I remember the first time I walked into the Cancer center.  There were sick people everywhere.  I remember thinking, What am I doing here? I am a young, healthy wife and mother.  My family needed me and the last place in the world I wanted to be was here, among all these other sick people.  I felt alone, although I was far from alone.  I was scared and unsure and didn't know if I was going to live or become violently ill from the treatment or what was going to happen.  It was very strange and it is still surreal to go back there every three months for visits and scans.  Hoping for great results this next week.  Chemo and radiation do a number on you.  I have a lot of things going on.  Nothing crazy.  Migraines, joint pain in my feet, elbows and legs. Numbness in my hands and feet.  I know these will get better as time passes.  Thankful for modern medicine and my wonderful family doctor who helps me through all these things.  Going to oncology apts post cancer is really frustrating.  Everything, "isn't chemo related" the second you are six months out from treatment.  BLAH!!!! Whatev-skey, Doc.  Just check my scans and Ill be on my way.  
There are some great forums that I have been on to get some good advice and hear from other people experiencing all the SAME " non related" things.  This has been a great resource.  So lets pray things are good next week for scans.  I will keep posting throughout this journey.  It has been so good to go back and read my posts.  The last two years have been a blur.  Chemo brain is not a joke!!! The struggle is real- as Allie would say.  I am just trucking along though.  Thankful to be alive and have such a blessed life.  
I hope all of you have a very Happy Thanksgiving and a Lovely Christmas!!! Remember why we celebrate and do something nice  for those people around you.  Thanks for your continual support and love! XO

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Sunday, March 9, 2014

Here we are…. :)

I have been a slacker!! Well I have been busy, but just haven't taken the time to write. :(  It has almost been a year since I found the dreaded golf ball in my neck (the lump)…. What a year!!! I can't remember most of it to be honest and I really wish I'd have kept a personal journal.  I remember surgeries,  radiation, chemo, laying in bed, having to quit nursing my baby because I was starting chemo. That was the saddest part for me.  That might sound lame but it was.  As most of you know I am a hairdresser/mom/wife/daughter/sister/furniture restorer/blogger(once every three months)/weight watcher member (Ive lost 14 lbs baby)/immaculate housekeeper/trophy wife ;) BUSY!!! I understand I am not any busier than the rest of you.  AND yes, I have ADD- so I am scatter brained and forgetful.  Being a natural blond-post chemo makes for a very forgetful person who can't remember what I ate for breakfast. (That just made me think of the WAFFLE LOVE truck. YUM!!!!  Go if you haven't!!! AMAZING!)
 I am so grateful for the strength my family have been given to make it through the last few years.  I couldn't have done it without all of  you.  So, here is the update.  I felt great in October.  Started working out, felt more rested and I was really looking forward to feeling better.  November and December were busy and I was exhausted, sad, tired, anti social, lazy, kept getting migraines, couldn't lift the baby, I had NO strength!! I couldn't lift a pan off the darn stove.  My muscles and joints hurt all the time.  So strange.  I didn't think much of it until I was having major dizziness, confusion on top of all the things mentioned previously.  Did I mention I was tired?? So I had scans at end of December and talked with my oncologist about all of my concerns.  He thought that it was most likely just my body adjusting after everything.  I literally thought I had RA or MS or MONO again or something serious.  Blood work came back normal and scans looked great.  Glad for that but so confused.  I had many conversations with my sister, Mindy who knows I am not a sissy.  It hurt to walk and do hair and really anything.  I felt like a 100 year old woman.  She encouraged me to go and see my family doc to just get a second opinion.  I really love my oncologist but I think that he was looking for something more serious and it wasn't there.  He suggested meds for depression/anxiety and I certainly didn't think that was the answer.  I made an apt and told my family doc everything I was feeling. Was I severely depressed? Did my oncologist miss something? Did I have another disease?  I knew something was way off but I feared I looked like a crazy person.  He tested everything and listened to me for a half hour and asked me many questions.  Two days later he called and told me I was severely deficient in vitamin D!! UGH ok? I asked WEB MD what the symptoms were for this deficiency.  Fatigue, depression, headaches, dizziness, confusion, sadness, join and muscle pain.  So I got a mega dose of vitamin D and I take that for twelve weeks, which is almost up and then do blood work again.  I am just feeling better the last two weeks.  Who would have known.  Well I guess WEB MD would've known.  HA!!
Things are going great, my family is well, my beautiful daughters are happy and healthy and full of life.  Jake has been incredibly supportive and helps me so much.  He is an amazing, hard worker and he does so well in every aspect of life.  He is so passionate about life and what he loves.  That is my favorite thing about him, besides the way he makes me feel and that dimple in his chin and the way he makes me laugh all of the time... He was promoted to District Operations Manager for Home Depot.  He loves all his associates, and the company.  Such a blessing to have a good job that he loves.  Taylor is walking and talking and her personality is so funny.  She has so much energy and is so sweet and curious about everything.  She has a firey side to her, which all of my girls do.  I am starting to think its me that has given them this wonderful gift.  HAHA! Allie and Lexi are doing great in school and staying busy with homework, dance, jump team, birthday parties, chores and all the fun things that kids do.
 I am still doing hair and I love it.  No better feeling in the world then to make someone feel good about themselves.  I have amazing friends that have been beside me every step of the way.  My family is so incredible and I would be lost without them.  I have so many things to be thankful for.  Not a day goes by that I don't think twice about  griping or losing it in a crazy moment.  I am alive and I have so much left to give and accomplish here.  I often find myself saying YOLO.  But, seriously… I wear a lipstick that might be too bright, or wear something edgy because I love it.  I stay up late when I want to and splurge a little when I shouldn't. I want to live life with no regrets. I challenge you to do the same.  I have been working on a little something that I am starting up in the next while.  Something I never thought I'd do. Nothing crazy, just a fun little something to inspire me and feed my creative side.  SO MUCH FUN for kiddos and moms.  More details to come! ;) No, Im not pregnant.
So thats the run down on the last few months.  I appreciate each of you all and I am so happy that you have all been along to support and strengthen me and my family.  Scans again in May and I really don't know if that gets easier or less scary.  Dang cancer.
My bro in law Tom is such an inspiration to me and everyone who knows him.  So many people ask me every week how he and my sister are doing. He is beating odds, living life and has an incredible spirit and mind set about things.  Is he cured?  No, but if you see or talk with him you would wonder why he is so upbeat and positive.  He isn't under going treatment right now.  Scans again soon.  Im sure most of you follow his blog.  I love you, Tom and Brandy.  I love each of your children so much. You have both been such an inspiration and an example to me over the years.  I will never forget being around you two when you first fell in love.  You were crazy for each other and you had so much fun together.  I will never forget when I went bowling with the two of you and Tom got a strike and he smooched me right on the  lips.  Tom, you are hilarious! :) I would watch the two of you as a young girl and I would always hope to find the silly, fun, wonderful love you two shared.
Be Happy and be kind to everyone.  Spread love, joy, happiness and positivity in the world!  XOXO

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Thursday, January 2, 2014

2013....where do I begin???

2013-What a year it has been... to say the least.  I feel so humbled and blessed to be where I am today.  I cannot put into words my feelings of gratitude, but I will try.  I have 3 beautiful, healthy, smart daughters that are my whole world!  Some days they give me a run for my money, but I wouldn't change it for a thing.  Allie is turning into a wonderful young woman who is much more like me than I like to admit.  She is going to move mountains.  She is sensitive, caring and doesn't miss a beat. She will be an amazing mother someday.  She took such great care of all of us over the year.  Lexi will always be my baby.  She is such a joy to be around.  She loves to giggle and be tickled.  She is a wonderful helper and she has loved having a baby sister to help with.  She loves school and has so many friends.  Little Taylor  Sue has saved me.  End of story!!  Her sweet little spirit came into our family at the perfect time.  She is an angel straight from Heaven.  She made me keep going on my darkest days.  I had to keep going and she needed me to keep going, so I did.  She has the funnest little personality and she is changing everyday.  She is so funny, just like her mommy! ;) She loves her sisters and her Daddy so much!  I am so thankful for the huge blessing and little piece of Heaven she brings into each of our lives every single day.  I have an amazing, hard working, handsome supportive husband who gives me everything I ever need and more.  He has been so supportive throughout the entire year.  He never fails to amaze me with his encouragement, strength and ability to cope.  He is very wise beyond his years.  He continues to love our daughters, every single day! He hugs them, kisses them, tells them how great they are and talks with them.  His loving example over the last five years has taught me more about giving and serving others than he will ever know.  He always puts our needs before his own and I couldn't be happier with the choice I made. Thank You, Jakey!  I love you so much.

I have the most amazing friends a girl could ask for.  Each one of them helped me so much over the course of the year.  Running kids around, carpool, taking them for fun activities, making meals, cleaning my house,  grocery shopping, watching sweet baby girl while I had treatments, driving me around town while I sucked on morphine pops because my throat hurt so bad from radiation. Or as I called it, (Driving crazy Ms. Daisy) haha! Thanks, Chelsey! The visits, cards, flowers, meals and messages to check in on me and my family meant the whole wide world to me.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I love each of you so much and I can never repay you for what you have done for me.

When Tiff said she was gonna do a 5k fundraiser for me and Tom I knew it would happen, because by hell when she says she is gonna do something, she does it! ;) And she went above and beyond to make it happen.  It was amazing, and we had a huge turnout.  So many incredible people coming together to pull off something amazing!  All the planning with the city (Tiff and Kara North), donations, registration (Chris Finken, Tiff), Tiff- getting sponsors, raffle (Reena, Kaye, Kris, DAD)  set up, clean up,  putting all the bags together with tshirts and race numbers (Tiff, Brian, Kaili, Krystal, Chelsey, Misty, Julie, Robyn, Kami, Laura, Kara North, Allie, Kara Barney.  My parents,  Mike and Kris Holmes, Kevin and Barbara Camp, Carloe Molyneux, (collecting donations), The Henry family (all of you) taking payments, helping with raffle, day of race registration, and everything else.  Terrell Rohm for your computer skills with day of registration and numbers.  Kade and Kara Barney for all the nice, cold drinks! The LDS church- the property it was held at.  Stanley Steemer,  (Damon Paxman), Peerless Electric  (Reggie and Deann Huffman), Coca-Cola (Kade Barney), Utah Community Credit Union, Ultimate Dance, (Misty Anderson),  The, Blossom Clothing Botique, Life's Solutions Counseling, Tomi Hill for the logo design for shirts and banners.  Reni Gardner for the amazing banners.  Joe Tuia'ana for your speakers and stereo equipment. Melissa Zurcher, (Zurchers) for paper products and raffle tickets.  Holmes and Holmes (Dad), for the huge AC unit that kept all of us from getting too hot.  Family and friends who came from all over, drove into town to support us.  Scott Severinsen for lending us the golf cart for the race and the Summer! :) Volunteer photographers (Ali and Jen) , drink station volunteers, 26.2 running co., Rebel Style Racing,  (Scotty and Wendel Electric), SS Crossfit, Anytime Fitness, NEUROWORX,  Paypros, Brickyard Buffalo.  Wow, that's alot of people... THANK YOU!! :) ALSO, shout out to My fabulous sister, Mindy who was there in spirit, but was busy with her brand new baby!!  If I forgot anyone, forgive me. Such a fun, memorable event that we will never forget!

Starting line...

my beautiful, brave sister Brandy (Toms wife)

Such fun pics which Im glad were taken, because that day is a blur.  I had just had a treatment! Such a wonderful event.

I had a scan a few weeks ago, and they looked wonderful!! Hopefully many more of those to come.  I am so blessed to have made it through a trying year that I never though Id make it through.   That may sound dramatic, but I truly thought I couldn't do it when we got the diagnosis.  I didn't believe what was happening to my little world.  I didn't understand and I didn't know how we would get through it.  I was given strength and courage to keep going.  Through prayer and prayers from others I was given clarity and peace that things would be okay...That my little family would be okay, whatever the outcome.  I needed to have faith!  Heavenly father poured blessings out on our family, every single day!  He allowed us to grow and learn from this experience.  I am so grateful for these things!  I am so very grateful that I  can hug my littles every day and kiss them and tell them how much I love them.  I tell them I am so lucky I get to be their mom.  I find happy, small moments every day in the hustle and bustle of things.  I loved sharing the Holidays in our new, beautiful home with my family.  I love hearing the girls sing and play and go about their days.  I am even thankful for the arguments, hormones of daughters and little daily struggles we have.  I challenge each of you to tell your spouse, and children every day how special they are to you.  Tell them fun memories of when they were smaller, often and watch them light up.  They need our encouragement, love and support more than we know.  They need our kisses and hugs even when they are naughty! That is probably when they need it most! I need to work on this.  Tell your spouse what you appreciate about them.  Tell them why you fell in love with them and why you are still in love with them.  If you feel disconnected from someone, serve them and try your hardest to reconnect!  If you need to forgive someone, DO IT!!! Its that easy!  Let anger, jealousy and hostility go.  These things will RUIN you and your ability to love and receive love. Enjoy your job, no matter how hard or boring or whatever!  Be happy that you have the ability to provide for yourself and your family and have the strength to do so.  Smile and laugh everyday!  Smile at a stranger! Wave at a stranger! Buy a meal for a stranger in a restaurant, or pay for the persons coke or twenty cheeseburgers behind you in the drive thru.  (Especially if you finished ordering before they did, so you pull ahead thinking you go first and then you proceed to the first window ahead of them, while they curse at you and flip the bird at you while banging on their steering wheel...with your kids in the car.  Instead of flipping the bird back, pay for their order.  They will think twice next time and possibly return the favor for another!) TRUE STORY! HA! Doing something kind for someone else will fill your heart with such joy and happiness and it is CONTAGIOUS!!  People I am telling you that it takes ten times the energy to be angry and upset and hold grudges.  BE HAPPY!! I love each one of you and pray that we can all love life and enjoy it to the fullest!  Spend time with loved ones and make wonderful memories that will last far beyond this life! Happy New Year!!  XOXO

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